Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona

As you know that CoronaVirus is a very dangerous virus for the entire world. The entire world is fighting with Corona. Most of the cities are locked down in the entire world. But Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona. You must take some precautions. Because you can stay away from Corona by precautions. Otherwise, you will suffer and your family will suffer.

Many people are not supporting this lockdown situation. They are not taking it seriously.

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

Do you know that on Monday, 23 March there are 415 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India? We take this data from the government’s Indian Council of Medical Research. You can check more updates of Corona Virus CLICK HERE.

So think about it. This virus is spreading very fast. And now it is in its 2nd stage in India. Now it can be controlled. If once, it will go to the 3rd stage then it is very difficult to manage the situation. And if you will not support the system then it can’t be possible to defeat the coronavirus.

WHO said that only lockdown cities are not enough to defeat corona.

What is LockDown?

Because of the Coronavirus, most of the cities are locked. Nobody can go outside of the city and nobody can come. All the borders are sealed. Only the important people are allowed to go from one place to another. Only doctors, police, media and necessary needs (like food, milk, etc) are allowed. It means only the emergency services are allowed in the city.

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

All the government and private employees are instructed to work from home.

But now most people are not understanding the situation. They are going outside without any emergency reason.

What will happen from LockDown?

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

LockDown is a good step to break the chain of this virus. We can remove the chain of this virus by city lockdown. Health organizations said that this virus can be alive 8 to 12 hours on the surface of any place. If nobody will touch that place till 8 to 12 hours, it means the virus can die from that place. Thus we can be safe from this virus.

So I want to tell you that we should support the lockdown. Because it is very important for human species.

What People Are Doing?

Most people stay at home. But a large number of people are still on the roads. They are not understanding that this is a very dangerous virus. And it can be spread from one to another. You also can be the next one. So you should stay at home.

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

Many people in small villages are not understanding the problem. They are still gathering and making fun. They are thinking that it cannot affect them because they have good immunity to fight with any of the viruses. But they should understand that if the virus will go to your family through yourself. Then your family members can be affected by this Coronavirus.

What Should We Do Now?

Everybody knows the answer to these questions. But many people are not agreeing with this. They are still going outside. So the first thing is that you should stay away from social gatherings. And don’t go outside from home.

All the health organizations are saying that they don’t go outside without any emergency. You can be affected by the virus.

Second thing is that you should use masks and hand sanitizer or soap to wash your hand. If you are going outside for an emergency then you must use a face mask and hand sanitizer. Don’t do social interaction. Because Coronavirus is spreading from one body to another. So you have to take precautions.

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

Make sure that your living area is clean and sanitized.

What is the situation in India?

Indian government locked down 75 cities in the country. Only the essential services are allowed in these 75 cities. This locked down will be until 31 March 2020. The lockdown end date can be extended more.

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona | Take It Seriously

All public transports are banned. Nobody can go outside of the city and nobody can enter from outside.


Finally, I hope you got information about the LockDown situation. Only LockDown is Not Enough to Fight With Corona. You must have to understand the situation and act according to the situation. He got information about the LockDown in India, what you should do, what you should not do, and why lockdown happens.

So at last, I want to tell you that you should stay away from social gatherings and make the social distance. Do go outside from home. Only go outside in a medical emergency.

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Please Save Yourself, Save Your Family, Follow the Instructions Seriously.

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