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Hi everyone great to see you, Here in this article you will find some essential points why you should avoid using mobile phones continuously for a long time. Harmful effects of too much screen time, Before reading this article further take a look around you, likely there are more chances to see one or more people engrossed in his/her mobile, computer or any other devices. It is crucial to note that spending too much time on screen can have a negative effect not only on children but adult also.
A study conducted on western India approved by NCBI states that the average screen time among the 379 was 2.7 hours with an average daily television screen time of 1.6 hours. In this study, the researchers also find that half of the parents have introduced screens to their children before the age of 2 years. Roughly, four out of five parents have found their children engaged in their primary activity connected with video games or online streaming.
Blue Light, How it affects You?
As most of our time spends on screen, it could be on smartphones, Computers or Television but you must be aware that these displays emit a broad spectrum of visible light. Most of the rays are not harmful to our eyes but a small portion of light called “Blue Light or Blue Rays” possesses a relatively high visible light ray. It has a shorter wavelength and higher energy in comparison with other visible light rays,
According to studies conducted by scientists suggested that this ray can severe harmful and could damage the photosensitive retina over long time usage. In our human body, an internal sleep cycle runs in our mind that helps us to sleep or awake timely. But the exposure of Blue Light results in greater screen time and hence disrupts circadian rhythms and causing us sleeping disorder.
The simple and easy solution to reduce the risk of getting affected by it is wearing Blue Ray Filter Lenses. It can be easily available to your nearest market at a genuine price.
I hope you have understood how screen time affects you. Now below are the several ways your health gets negatively affected.
More Screen Time Results in—
- Sleeping Disorder
- More weight/Obesity
- Propensity of Violence
- Chronic neck and back pain
- Vision Issue
- You will die earlier
1).Sleeping Disorder
Taking a good sleep is crucial to our health and disturbance in it can cause a problem like insomnia in which you may have to face trouble falling or staying asleep.
2). More Weight Results in Obesity
Many studies found that watching television or using electronic devices such as computers, tablets or smartphones, etc. It can enhance the risk of weight gain and heart diseases in adults.
3). Propensity for Violence

Not only children but adults also love to play video games and watch movies but engaging with violent games and movies can cause community violence and hatred
4). Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Most people have poor posture while using a computer or another digital device. This could result in chronic (long term0 neck, back or shoulder pain.
5). Vision Issues
As per my expectation, you may have heard about blue rays these rays come from our smart devices display which causes “Computer Vision Syndrome”. Headache, blurred vision, dry eyes are the following symptoms.
6). You will Die Earlier
As per studies, scientists found the most concerning thing that your death will come sooner as your cardiovascular activity has been reduced.
Maybe these things have made you think about how to segregate yourself from excessive use of smart devices and reduce screen time. Here I have mentioned some solution/steps that will help you to win or at least combat this problem.
Things You Can Do-
1). First Turn Off The Unnecessary Notification
and allow only priority notification only for all apps. Try to avoid excessive use of social media such as Twitter, Facebook or Whatsapp, etc.
2). Eat Your Meal Without A Screen,
It may be productivity or utilization of spare time by reading/watching news and get updated but taking a break from the screen during a meal can help you to enjoy your food more efficiently.
3). Do Not Watch Movies Or TV Just Before Bed Time
Instead, you can read books. This step can be helpful if you have a book drawer near your bed that will motivate or press you to read.
4). Take A Hobby In Your Boredom Time
It could be drawing, writing dairy, singing or even you can learn to play any musical instrument.
5). Set A Timer
or take help from any third party app to restrict access use of the screen.
Finally, I hope you have perceived information about the harmful effect of too much screen time and how to reduce it.